Then, after sleeping in until 11am the next day, I got up and went to the mud volcanoes by myself. I was astounded by the largely overweight tourists and wondered how they were climbing the same hills that left me out of breath. Also, I brought my camera bag and big camera with the telephoto lens. I notice when I actually look like I know what I’m doing, people get
out of my way. So now I just swagger around like a photographer and people quickly move out of my shots.
Anke and I spent a whole afternoon running after an extremely elusive grizzly that seemed to always be on the other side of the shore than we were. After running down to the Lodge, then back to the Hotel, then back to the Lodge and back to the Hotel waiting for it to come within sight, we got tired and went back just in time to hear that the stupid thing finally decided to wander across the meadow in front of the Lodge. But by then, as Anke put it, we were totally over that bear.
That evening, I did an oil painting from some pictures I took of a buffalo and went to bed early. I got to talk to Matt, who was camping in Saratoga.
It was a great couple of days and made me so happy to be here! Plus, I have been making some great friends. Last night, we celebrated my 21st birthday at the pub right when it turned midninght. It was actually an 80's themed dance night and was really fun. Wait'll you see the pictures in my next blog...