Hey! This by far has been the busiest summer I have ever had. I work full-time (which here constitutes 48 hours a week) but I play even harder. This last week I had a shift from 5:45am-3pm after getting off work at 11pm the night before. But, as soon as I got off work I hiked one of the toughest trails in the park with my friends Chuck and Jacob, as well as Judith and Keith,
For my weekend this week, Anke, Chuck, Jacob and I went to Cody. We had to grocery shop and get some more camping gear at Sierra Trading Post (I bought a sleeping bag, and a pack among other things) and decided to camp just outside the park on an offshoot of the Shoshone River. We had a great time in Cody and camping was great too. We stayed up late making smores and telling stories around our campfire. We packed up and went to the Buffalo Bill Historical Center the next day. I was really impressed with it! I had gone there when I was a kid but couldn’t remember much. The exhibits range from natural history to American Indian artifacts to old firearms. Afterwards we came back to Lake and had a fun evening shooting pool and eating pizza at the Pub.
I have another crazy week of work coming up, but then Matt is coming for another visit for my days off. We are going to go camping for a few days and I am really looking forward to it.
Oh and here is a blurry pic of a grizzly that was right outside my dorm awhile ago:
Oh, and last night we had out first famous person come into the Dining Room and I happened to wait on him. Robert Wagner, the old TV and movie actor came in with 4 people including his wife. They were all dressed like crazy 70's throwbacks but were really nice and tipped me 25%. Crazy, huh?